Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Character building for DBOB


James 1:3-5 (Msg) You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended to when you ask for it.


The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren,

“Don’t wait to feel powerful or confident. Move ahead in your weakness, doing the right thing in spite of your fears and feelings. This is how you cooperate with the Holy Spirit and it is how your character develops.” (p175)

I thank the Lord I read this article in studylight. This helps us to build and re-evaluate how we have been living our lives. Living in DC Metro area has interrupted our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. With power of Holy Spirit, I pray that this weekend for Men retreat will change us men. Here is the article I suggest read I thought was applicable.


Lord, I pray that this article will help us men to be prepared for the retreat. In your Son’s name Amen!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Bonding with Christian Friends

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24, New International Version

Phil Ware Who are your closest friends? Good friends are hard to come by in a world of superficial acquaintances and shallow relationships. "Hanging with the crowd" can give us a false sense of belonging, but often leaves us wounded and alone in times of trouble. Open, honest, supportive, and loving relationships don't happen without investment. Ask the Lord to lead you to close friends in his family. Minister to and serve those around you. Listen to their requests, faithfully upholding them in prayer. Spend time in Christian service with other servant believers. Join yourself to a Bible study or accountability group. As you do, trust that God will give you that "stick-through-thick-and-thin-friend." Companions are easy to find, but can be unreliable. Development of Christian friends is an investment of effort and time, but they are friends with whom we will share forever.


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Precious God, I thank you for my friends (include the names of friends). Please, dear Father, lead me into the life of someone this week who needs me to be his or her friend. Bless all those who read Today's Verse with a Christian friend that will help them in their walk with you. Thank you so much, dear Father, for my greatest friend, Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.
Taken from heartlight.org

Monday, October 01, 2007

Verse for all Churches that are struggling

Failure and Success: Paralysis From Past Mistakes

For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy
toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so
far has He removed our transgressions from us.
--Psalm 103:11-12

Do not let any of the things of the world or past mistakes paralyze
your hearts. I believe there are Christians who have allowed some of
their past mistakes to paralyze them. You were so bright and cheerful
in your spiritual life once, and then you made some tragic mistake or
had something happen to you. You got out of it somehow, and prayed
and wept your way out of it. But it did something to you, and now you
cannot lick it. Past wrongs that have been done to you, past
failures, times you thought you were going to win and did not, or
present sins or discouragement-these things are not mental at all.
They are deeper than that; they are subconscious, and they prevent us
from believing.

I most urgently exhort you, and I trust God Almighty to deliver you;
to sponge that out of your spirit; to sponge that out of your heart
so you are not hindered by unbelief.
Rut, Rot or Revival: The Condition of the Church, pp. 162-163

"Lord, I'm surely not the only one who desparately needs this
reminder this morning. So many of us struggle with past sins,
failures, or hurts. I pray for all of my fellow-servants who need
deliverance, who need to have the past sponged out of their spirits
and hearts. Amen."


Fired up for DBOB 2007

For all you fired up (spiritual) men out there on the Net, get pumped up! I'm looking forward for great retreat this coming October 2007. I am fired up and ready to do Lord's work. Also I am looking forward for feedback, testimonies, and chit chat from you men out there. Proverbs 27:17. http://bibleresources.bible.com/passagesearchresults.php?passage1=proverbs+27%3A17&version1=31 Apologize for unable to update for last several months. It has been rough summer. Just bought house then just moved last month, got the blues towards end of summer. Just now getting settled in this new environment, son in new school, and making goals for 2007/2008.

We (Deaf Ministry) are ready for 2nd Annual Deaf Band of Brothers retreat. For more information go to http://www.fxcc.org/deaf/mano_retreat/manoretreat.asp

We have been doing men's bible class for last few weeks during Sunday school. We are utilizing "Wild at Heart" book written by John Eldridge. It's a great book. This will be first experience using the manual long side with it also prepared by John Eldridge. His main focus are Men's heart and want us to take it slow and try to digest what he suggest us do. This is unique bible class. We are so busy and caught up in society of what men's profile ought to be. Question who are we? By digging into our hearts we can find out how we can improve our relationship with God among many things God has plans for us. Our idea of what we ought to be might be interfering with God's plan? There are few men who are very motivated and would fight for the one they love, God!. Then there are some who are struggling to understand or have issues in their lives possibility. Each person are unique way God designed us. I believe with this class we can use each other to mature spiritually. I hope with this class we are taking can help us men to analyze themselves and someday can be involved more for Lord's work.

I thank brother in Christ in Texas for bringing the idea of "Wild at Heart". It touched him deeply as it has with mine. Only this time we are using the WAH (Wild at heart) manual that we are using alongside with the book. John Eldridge stated if we use a workbook we tend to fill in blanks then forget about it, while with the manual, his concept is a guide and help us to know thyself.


Thank you for being patient with us. We have so much to do with little time we all have left in this world. Help us men to open ourselves to you more. I know these men want to have a deep understanding and better relationship with you and with each other. That’s what the Deaf Band of Brothers is all about. Guide us men in way you see we ought to be. We should be Wild at Heart like David after Your own heart. I praise you; your Son's name Amen.