Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Nose-Bleed Seats

Ephesians 5:11-16 (Message):
11 -16Don't waste your time on useless work, mere busywork, the barren pursuits of darkness. Expose these things for the sham they are. It's a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see. Rip the cover off those frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ.

Why this title? This slogan identifies for people who wanna take risk getting tickets for front row seats at basketball game. This is a risk because the men who are rough on courts may eventually fall on you or the basketball loses control and hits you in face.

Here is a story you all probably already heard. It’s pretty sad. Crocodile Hunter, He was killed recently. He is one of the foremost risk takers. He has gotten hurt many times. He was risking his life for what? For ratings, popularity, and money? He left behind wife and kids. He did not plan this camera shooting very well. He risked himself with wild animal definitely. He had this adrenaline in him. He tends to be very high strong, which could have spooked this Sting Ray. But ask yourself; do you have passion, desire, and risk taker, blood nose seat taker like this man? I believe we all have some instances in our life when we risk our life. For example, you get inside your car and turn the key and then hit the road; this is risk taking. Risking your life on road and its unpredictable what can happen. There are many people risking their decision and cause accidents and possibility lose a life of their own or someone else. Tell you man, it’s a crazy world we live in now more than ever. But we have to do it anyway to get to places. We don't know what tomorrow will bring but we have goal.

Topic applies to us Christians. Jesus did not waste his time and go out of his way for his sermons, parables, and examples for nothing. Neither did Paul. Man he is a crazy fanatic, God Lovin’ apostle, adrenaline pumping, and risk taker kind of guy. He gave examples of this risk taking adventure for the Glory for God.

I know for last 30 some blogs I have written, I am risking my job but I don’t need go into details how, but I am making every opportunity of my time (Eph 5:16). I know for fact if I wait till tonight, it will not happen, if tomorrow night won't happen then this blog will not be here. You all don’t have motivation go to men retreat? It’s a chain reaction men. This DBOB is a nosebleed reality for us. Risk taking to spread the gospel. 2 Timothy 1:8: So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, Also Romans 1:16:I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

I do not have to explain too deeply but the sound of the slogan is good fire starter to our conscious mind - wake up call. We all are risk takers everyday anyway. So what is keeping you from responding to this blog for example? What is preventing you to jump into new ministries and be creative how you can serve the Lord?

This weekend you men will experience God's Nose-Bleed Seats, but wait, don’t be afraid, this is not physical sense but Spiritual revival. One brother mentioned that he was hesitant because he thought we might include hazing. But I mention to him, are you thinking physically or spiritually? So he thought about that. I encourage him think positive, this is to encourage us men to be energized for the Lord. Prepare us for this Spiritual Revival.

After writing this blog, I was very pumped up. I am pumped up for the Lord. I hope this goes on for life daily. We ought to take 15 min in morning and pick verse meditate on this, write journal, express yourself, this is how we get energized. I went to work out (exercise), whoa. If I did not do this blog, tell you truth, I would not be working out at all. I am mellow kind of guy. Down to earth but a motivator. What ever comes my way I am now risk taker for the Lord.


Thank you for this kick-start title. Lord I pray for those men analyzing their life every morning, reading your words, and applying it through out the day. This is for your Glory. Lead us to the front line "nose bleed seats", and fight the spiritual battle, which is SATAN. Your mighty Son's Name, Amen.

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