Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Prayer Life

"In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God." Romans 8:26-27 (niv).

This is based on my experience and what I have read. I don't expect everyone to imitate my experience or what I have read. This can give you a push into right direction. The prayer life will grow in your life. Everyone's prayer life will be different. Just listen to Holy Spirit, and God's words from bible. Some days the prayers may be dry and you give up. Don’t! Prayer life may not meet our (mind set) expectation. The continuous flow of communication from you to Lord is important. This book “Spiritual Guide” by Micahel Mellinos, was banned in 1500’s because at the time, Catholics dislike the way he wrote. But he reminded readers that this is the communication between him and God. He describes the different levels of prayers. I will not go into details. If you are interested in this book get with me and I can send you link to order this book. This is not available on Amazon but different a site.

My challenge to all the men, who is either going or not going to DBOB, is for us to practice this meditation. I have not done this for a while, but I feel that its good challenge for all of us. Find a time during week either on Saturday or evening and dedicate yourself 1 to 2 hours. But this must not be planned event. We have mindset that tends to stick to our own plans. Find a moment when you want to have delicious desert, your favorite TV show you cannot miss, video Games, favorite event or a tempting situation and STOP, take advantage of this fast!

Remember this challenge. Go to a quiet room close your eyes and just picture what God has done for you in all the years and what have you done for Lord? Have we really talked to him? We talk to him like we talk to our earthly father/mother? He needs our undivided attention. We challenge ourselves to meditate and pray for many issues that need to be addressed such as health, ministry, church, deaf souls, many other request, and just sit there and talk to him. Tell Him for example, "Oh Lord, what do you want me to do? Guide me. Grant me your wisdom and guidance. Motivate me, teach me your words, and give me confidence to spread word, discover my gifts". This is just an example. I did this one for 30 minutes and I was sweating. Whoa! I didn't know. I just felt like I was somewhere in different place like a trance or something. Once I was done praying and meditating, then I see I was back in dining room and I was all by myself no distractions. That’s the prayer life experience. I did this meditation this last spring. Meditation is key. I don’t everyone will have this kind of prayer everyday or during DBOB. This is between each person and God. If we all do this, Lord will do great things with this Deaf Ministry, believe me! Do not hesitate.


"Lord, I am amazed how I was tying these words, this just comes out. I know for fact You are with us. It is not my desire just for these men (both hearing and deaf), but the entire world. My heart desire is for every soul. Those who read this blog, Lord, I pray that they are not intimidated by an unusual blog. But we need this special time for us to stop and think, then push ourselves out of our own comfort zone and commune with you. In Jesus' Name, AMEN!"

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